Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I remember being in nursing school and feeling that I would save the world. I loved helping people and their families. I am not sure when that all changed but after 5 years it has. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy helping people but it seems as though with the many expectations placed on nurses, it is becoming increasingly difficult to say I love my job.

For example when did I also become a waitress? When did I become a social worker? When did I become a outlet for others to verbally and physically abuse? When did I become that cynical nurse that I hated in nursing school?

1 comment:

  1. I have only been out of school for a year and am alredy feeling this way. It is very frustrating when patients feel they have the right to treat you anyway they want.

    When I was in school I remember seeing how certain nurses treated their patients and I said "I don't ever want to be that way." There are many times now that my compassion is challenged!
